We do hope that you enjoy following our endeavor to create a beautiful place where good food is grown to nurture body and soul. We trust you will share our dilemmas, excitement, and, of course, laughter as we work diligently to use what God has given to provide for our households and those we can share with.

Please ....... come into the Friendship Garden.


Monday, June 28, 2010

Harvest Day

It's really happening!  Lettuce is in great supply!  The turnips are beautiful!  And the strawberries .... well, let's just say that both Jen and I used a lot of self control in order to collect them for freezing instead of eating them all!  Thank you God for the Harvest!

Friday, June 18, 2010


I apologize for not updating for so long!  The excuse?  My camera was out of batteries.It's just not the same without photos!

So I thought I'd show you how much things have grown.  The top picture  is of our beautiful potatoes.  I was off island a few weeks ago and ours look so much better and bigger than the professional growers in Skagit County!  (A little pride here, but not the bad kind)

The garlic is huge!  But not ready to harvest yet.  We've been kicking ourselves a bit because we planted it before we planned this year's garden.  This was a lesson crop.   It's a beautiful crop and smells so good.  We are looking forward to salsa!

Here's a shot of our lettuce bed.  WOW!  I didn't believe greens could taste so good!  We have had a little bit of a problem with bolting of the spinach and the arugula, but we continue to replant as we pull the others out.  What satisfaction it is to bring home dinner.  Salads are first and foremost in our lives right now!

Here's our own Vanah Jen showing our lovely tomato hot bed.  Farmer Steve built a beautiful structure that should hold up for a number of years.  We found the row cover at the local Thrift Shop for a dollar!  (A really good deal).  All our "babies" are planted and stay warm and cozy in their little box..  We have one plant in blossom.  The little marigolds surrounding the bed will keep out the bad bugs that love tomatoes.  They are so perky and happy - brightening the garden.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

There's Farmer Steve!

He's got a new hat which helps him fulfill his Farmer role.  But take a look at this:  Compost!  Steve has become the compost expert!  He has read tons, tried various things and now each time he turns the pile, a beautiful haze of steam rises.  (That means everything is composting at it's proper rate!)  This compost will be used in the garden beds add nutrients for the years to come.  Sorry, Brownes, but we won't need to purchase anymore from now on, but we appreciate you guys getting us started!

Peas! We Have Peas!


If you look at our older posts, you'll see the saga of the peas - so we thought it only fair to give you an up date!  Today we discovered our first pea!  What satisfaction to do this - to plant, water, pray and then realize that the harvest is coming!  Of course we've began to harvest other things, but somehow, for me anyway, seeing this precious pea in real life brought it all together and made all the hard labor worth it.  Jen's discovery squeal put a smile on my face!