We do hope that you enjoy following our endeavor to create a beautiful place where good food is grown to nurture body and soul. We trust you will share our dilemmas, excitement, and, of course, laughter as we work diligently to use what God has given to provide for our households and those we can share with.

Please ....... come into the Friendship Garden.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

Attack of the Cabbage Worms!

I think we both felt quite sad to have to bring some foreign substance into our garden in order to produce a bountiful harvest. We have discovered cabbage worms, grubs, flies, teeny tiny worms attacking the little tender seedlings (Jen refers to them as our Babies). So you can imagine that we HAD to do something. The stats are that if these beasts are left to their own devises, they consume 80% of the crops planted. That just can't happen. We topped two of the beds with BT. We will be watching over them closely as we continue to plant seeds and plant a few tester seedlings. We prayed for the blessings of God's hand as we continue to be faithful with what He has given us. We asked for wisdom to be guided and learn just what should be done. We gave thanks for the beautiful place and the wonderful opportunity to grow food for our families and others. There's the good and the bad - we see both to be opportunities for personal growth throughout this life.

For more information on BT (
Bacillus thuringiensis) that we used to thwart these evil doers, see the following websites:

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