We do hope that you enjoy following our endeavor to create a beautiful place where good food is grown to nurture body and soul. We trust you will share our dilemmas, excitement, and, of course, laughter as we work diligently to use what God has given to provide for our households and those we can share with.

Please ....... come into the Friendship Garden.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Before Our Very Eyes!

Amazing!  Awe Inspiring! Amazing! 

Today we spent a few hours working in the garden.  All was so beautiful - the sunshine, the birds singing, the dogs playing.  Steve built a beautiful structure for the tomatoes soon to be transplanted.  It was just a lovely day.

AND THEN....  Jen and I found a few bean sprouts that were not above ground when we first arrived in the morning.  We were jumping up and down (ok, not really, but in our hearts!) and could hardly believe what was happening!  Then a squash plant poked its head up through the earth.  Back to the beans - and yes - there were more.  We were watching the miracle of growth right before our very eyes! 

Sometimes we walk through the day and, at least in my experience, don't see much going on - growth, change, healing, newness, etc.  And then when we least expect it - Ta Da!  We see the evidence of things not before seen!  How amazing our God is to continuously work in us to grow, create and birth newness of life in to our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen and Kathy...the friendship garden...I love it. Wish we were around this summer to join you in the planting. Have fun!
