We do hope that you enjoy following our endeavor to create a beautiful place where good food is grown to nurture body and soul. We trust you will share our dilemmas, excitement, and, of course, laughter as we work diligently to use what God has given to provide for our households and those we can share with.

Please ....... come into the Friendship Garden.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

History of the Friendship Garden

Steve & Jen purchased property and built a beautiful raised bed garden and began an orchard about three years ago.

Here they are with a beautiful little apple tree that 
looks to be very fruitful.

I came along in the summer last year and just sat soaking up the sunshine, Jen's irreplaceable love and friendship and began sharing little bits of knowledge I'd picked up from a Master Gardener I had worked for years ago.

After discovering we worked together so well, Jen and I talked over tea one wintry afternoon.  
We had come to the table with the same proposal - Could we share the work and harvest of the garden for 2010?  We laughed as once again, we found something we had in common.  Our minds continue to think alike. 

So we agreed and began planning.

 Steve has expanded the orchard to include so many wonderful and new things like this pomegranate.  Apple, nectarine, pear and cherry trees are looking very healthy and happy. Also introduced this year are blueberries, raspberries, Marion berries and blackberries.

It's kind of a mystery how people who cross our paths walk with us on roads we could never imagine taking beforehand.  Sometimes they are short brief strolls - and others they are hikes which take us to new heights as we discover new things about our strengths, weaknesses and the love of friendships.

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